Crossing The Line

Crossing The Line Culture, Race, and Kingdom-by Michael Burns

Crossing The Line  is a guided series to have meaningful biblical discussions around the topics of racial diversity, inclusion, and empathy in a safe environment, facilitated by church leadership and members of the ACOCG SCUAD.

In this book, Michael Burns opens the doorway into dialogue and discussion of race and its impact on the culture and Kingdom of God. Issues of racism, race, and culture bring out deep passion and potential conflict in the world; and because disciples live in this world, they affect us, our mission, and our unity. Every potential problem like this, though, can be a pitfall or a platform. It can be our undoing or an amazing opportunity to put the power and wisdom of the true gospel on display.

The real problems that threaten division within the body are not race or skin color as such, but history, culture, perspective, and the solutions that are typically offered by the world. Michael examines these agents of division before delving into the true answers found in God’s word. The good news is that perhaps the biggest cause of internal strife and division in the early church was the issue of ethnicity and culture. That means that the New Testament Scriptures are full of principles and teaching that will propel us forward in our search to be the unified people of God that he has called us to be.

Michael Burns is a teacher in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Church of Christ. He is a graduate of Wesley Seminary of Indiana Wesleyan University (MA). He taught high school history in the central city of Milwaukee for nearly ten years. He is a national and international biblical teacher at churches and workshops.